Hi, I am


. . . Swapnil Ghosh.


Swapnil ?

Um, yes, that is me, as well. Swapnil Ghosh

I am formally being educated at BIT Mesra for an Undergraduate Course: Bachelors in Information Technology; will graduate in 2022.

To add, I am a proactive consumer and contributor of the Internet and Computing Culture: be it creating and organizing a FOSS Event ( from Scratch ), publishing packages to pypi, contributing to Wikipedia, participating ( and winning ) hackathons, browsing each and everything that escapes me, or even blogging about all the action.

What interested me in Computers?


No other field of education and profession can be used to potentially popularize and show off your self as an entity. The immediacy to be available remotely and impact places far-off within a collaborative human effort is what drives me. What interests me further than Computer Networks is how beautifully they can be arranged to effeciently realize the flow on highly scalable consumer bases and the strategic uses of tools like load balancers, MQs and CDNs.

Add to the mix, Tom Scott, Computerphile, the fact a couple of folks wrote C, another college grad wrote the most famous Kernel and later on, the standard VCS, and the abundance of Resources for upcoming tech folks like me.

What I am looking forward to do?

  • Anything, a framework, a script, an algorithm, an implementation, a set of APIs that has any real-life consequences and serves anything efficiently.

Samsung Bangalore - Summer Intern May 2021 - Jul 2021

One of the Best Summers Ever

Got to build an HDR image enhancement system optimized for Videos.

  • Most of the stuff goes under NDA but will be glad to chat upon this problem and my generalized solution in person.
  • Got to fiddle with great resources for computation and code handling and a whole lot more.
  • Met awesome folks.

AWS-Crio Externship Mar 2021 - Apr 2021

An actual impactful externship

This was the final stage of the multi-stage Crio Winter of Doing. The project was procured from AWS and mentored accordingly.

  • Created an AWS Lambda Scheduler and Orchestrator Library from Scratch in a team of 2.
  • I handled the effective working of the Library and the REST APIs it laid out while my partner designed the demo for it by using the Library in a Full Stack Web App.
  • Used PostgreSQL for Database of the Scheduler and Orchestrator Events.
  • Used these Events in an Event Driven Scheduler Script created using ShellScript and TypeScript.
  • The APIs were vended as TypeScript methods within an instance of the Library Class.
  • Orchestrator helped sequence out complicated schedules for AWS Lambda Triggering with multiple AWS Lambdas in place with their own meta if-else cases.
  • Provided precision of less than a second in the from-scratch-scheduler.

Hack36 2020 Feb 2020

We Won It.

Organized by MNNIT Allahabad, this was a Major National College Hackathon, and we won it.

The implemented and fully functioning code we created from scratch in 36 hours was an aid for ADHD diagnosis through visual cues served beside an Interactive Gaming Platform.

  • I handled a major aspect of the app which was to poplulate a blinking-pattern graph for the end-user while serving an aesthetic Zen mode to cool down the supposed ADHD Patient.
  • This graph was processed in the background and immediately served up to be further accessible from the Public Cloud Service we used, while avoiding any PII of the patient.
  • Thereby, I streamlined it into the major flow of deployment and put it up as a route while making sure that we got no CORS errors and it worked cross-platform.

Crio Launch Feb 2020 - Mar 2020

Enterprise-Level Hands-On Coding

This was a hand-on experiential learning platform provided to a bunch of cherry-picked candidates to work on a Simulated Enterprise Codebase. Much like a Virtual WorkPlace with various streams to work on and milestones to complete.

  • The selection process was not only a rigorous coding round, but also a weekend assignment to utilize HTTP Requests, Postman and API Documentations for on-the-go Social Media Sharing microservice of a Food Delivery Website.
  • Utilized a VSFTPD ( Very Secure File Transfer Protocol Daemon ) for secure and effecient Packet Transfer through the Background Process using Bash.
  • Insured Packet Transfer through the Daemon by utilizing WireShark and FileZilla. And ran instances for them on the remote workspace.
  • Refactored Java Spring Code for a Microservice that looked out for API Calls pertaining to a Stock Trading Portfolio and delivered the interfaces for it.
  • Implemented Fundamental Logic for reporting the shifts in market economy, and published it all to a Central Maven Repository.

Crio.Do Lead TA Dec 2019 - Jan 2020

Eased the managerial aspects of TAs in Crio.Do

  • As a Lead TA, I scheduled the availability and the schedule for other TAs, handled meta-issues and onboarded TAs effeciently on from their performance in the weekend Cohorts.
  • Insured that all tickets are resolved adequately, and solutions to the issues effectively come up as Discussions on the Forums on Discourse.

IET, BIT Mesra Aug 2018 - Present

Vice Predident

  • Organized tech-related events and workshops for Python3, C/C++, Web Developement and Linux / Networking for the College Club.
  • Expanded the audience of the club events to include remote and inter-college participants amidst the pandemic.
  • Formulated and Organized BITSoC, an Open Source Event promoting a Community and Mentor-Mentee Relations to work on FOSS projects.



  • A fun lightweight assistive tool that I have added to my autostart systemd services and use often.
  • Acts as an assistive tool to tell and record the user’s choice of input device, be it a keyboard or a mouse and effectively compare their usage.
  • Added an effective man page for using it with some modifications on the daemonizing.


  • Created and Hosted a Full Stack Application on Azure, using NodeJS-ExpressJS and PostgreSQL for Backend API Services, and Vanilla JS on gh-pages for frontend.
  • Provided a scalable platform for Uploading, Editing and Sharing Memes (or any content with an Image and a stub of textual content).
  • Added Swagger Docs for the exposed APIs.
  • Used LetsEncrypt for maintaining HTTPS calling to the APIs.
  • Dockerized the entire app for running over an Ubuntu VM.

Image Encryption and Hiding Tool using SD2PBD

  • Implemented (and corrected) a research finding on Image Encryption which works for 3 channel images.
  • Added my independent steganography which provides 100% recovery and has industry standard results on standardized tests.


  • ZLE app to zoom in-out of rxvt-like terminals, by manipulating printf inputs. Also has legibility checks.
  • And thereby, simple to set-up and ease.


  • A gradle built and OOPS modelling based implementation for the interface and core funcitionality of a Song Player, designed as per requirements from a coding challenge.
  • Exhibits my most professional approach to a codebase architecture and structured ordering of the interfaces to be used.

Sudoku Generator, Identifier and Solver

  • Created the Pythonic Implementation for Generating and Solving Sudokus using Backtracking and Randomized Functions, from Scratch.
  • Uniquely enough, the sudokus are expandable to changes in size of the board, and adjust perfectly.
  • Served on Tkinter for GUI.
  • Has an additional feature to load up and identify Sudokus from Images of 3x3 Sudokus using CNN and OpenCV.

Tutorial Extractor

  • Scrapes through multiple concurrent online Tutorial Articles and compiles them into a PDF for ease of access.
  • Uses Semantic Front-End Code through BeautifulSoup and compiles the soups conveniently into a PDF by wkhtmltopdf.
  • Configured wkhtmltopdf for Heroku Dyno, on which it is hosted as a Web Service relayed through Flask routing for POST of the entry forms.


  • Winning Project at Hack36 MNNIT Allahabad, which aids in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD patients using Visual Cues through a gamified platform.
  • Integrated modular games to be served over Flask.
  • Created a background process to Detect and Compile User’s Blink Pattern served behind a Zen Front-End.

Geektrust Challenge

  • An Object Modelling approach to a Coding Challenge (this time by geektrust).
  • Handles user requirements and basically checks up a Message’s Ceaser Decryption with the original Character Map, all over an hypothetical scenario.
  • And I am just super proud of this code for now.

Document Scanner

  • A cross-platform Document Scanner created in Python3.
  • Utilizes OpenCV to the best usage to intelligently determine document margins.
  • Customizable document borders using Java Swing.

Conway’s Game Of Life on AWT

  • Provided an optimized GUI implementation of Conway’s Game Of Life through Java AWT / Swing.
  • Has custom seeding options and customizations in the speed of the pattern growth.


  • Available in Pypi.
  • A Genetic Algorithm implementation with a wide array of seeding customizations available to determine upcoming Generations.

Collaborative WhiteBoard with in-built Text Chat

  • Used WebSockets and HTML Canvas for WhiteBoard to be available Collaboratively.
  • Presented for HackNITR, a virtual Hackathon.

BIT SummerOfCode Landing Page

  • Hosted on gh-pages, uses Jekyll for static generation.
  • Is the Landing Page for the entire FOSS Event BITSoC.

Green Screen

  • A Primitive Project to Identify the Pixels of an image or a VideoStream and swap out the pixels with a pre-provided layout’s pixels.
  • Uses Basic Python Pillow for the Implementation, but works remarkably fine, and even sifts through neighbouring pixels in cases of blur.

Top Skills

Python3 Git Shell Script (zsh) OpenCV REST APIs and HTTP Requests Java - OOP and Swing / AWT MEVN Basic DSA Operating Systems C++ PostgreSQL


Internet and Everything Encryption Techniques Linux Image Processing Server Side Programming Computer Vision RegEx


Topics to converse on

  • My Experiments with Window Managers and Distros.
  • Anything with the words GTA 3D universe in it.
  • Rock Bands and the branching of their genres.
  • WebComics.
  • Movies, Any.
  • Interpreted Languages.
  • Anything that is even remotely fun to discuss about.

Check out my Updates as well !!

Or wait till I write something on my blog page 😊